Next-gen football app
based on Computer Vision
Next-gen football app
based on Computer Vision
Next-gen football app
based on Computer Vision

Crafted metrics and stats based on 3D match tracking
Crafted metrics and stats based on 3D match tracking
Crafted metrics and stats based on 3D match tracking
Machine learning trained on 1.5M matches
Machine learning trained on 1.5M matches
Machine learning trained on 1.5M matches
Real-time alerts on team peak performance
Real-time alerts on team peak performance
Real-time alerts on team peak performance
Smart copilot for football fans
Smart copilot
for football fans
Smart copilot for football fans
Real-time insights, AI-powered analytics, and smart notifications to enhance your match experience.
Real-time insights, AI-powered analytics, and smart notifications to enhance your match experience.

team strength metrics
team strength metrics
team strength metrics

Universal metrics to compare teams' power
Universal metrics to compare teams'
Universal metrics to compare teams' power

Historic performance
trend analysis
Historic performance
trend analysis
Historic performance
trend analysis

Real-time live scores in
2,234 leagues
Real-time live scores in
2,234 leagues
Real-time live scores in
2,234 leagues

Insights from similar matches for predictions
Insights from similar matches for predictions
Insights from similar matches for predictions

Smart match notifications & alerts
Smart match notifications & alerts
Smart match notifications & alerts

Discover unmatched value with AIstats
Discover unmatched value with AIstats
Discover unmatched value with AIstats
Track team power, trends, and key match insights in real-time.
Performance Graph
The graph depicts real-time power and expected power trendlines. It demonstrates the dynamics of the game and the performance quality of the teams
AI Report
Notifications and Sorting

Performance Graph
The graph depicts real-time power and expected power trendlines. It demonstrates the dynamics of the game and the performance quality of the teams
AI Report
Notifications and Sorting

Performance Graph
The graph depicts real-time power and expected power trendlines. It demonstrates the dynamics of the game and the performance quality of the teams
AI Report
Notifications and Sorting

Alstats connects fans worldwide
Alstats connects fans worldwide
Alstats connects fans worldwide
With over 700,000 users from different countries, Alstats delivers next-gen football analysis

The ultimate app to explore football in depth
The ultimate app to explore football in depth
The ultimate app to explore football in depth
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Live scores and stats in 2k+ leagues
Actual vs. expected team strenght in real-time
Expected trends based on similar matches
AI report based on similar matches
Top 3 most similar matches
AIstats Power Rankings for every league
Football fans endorse AIstats
Football fans endorse AIstats
Football fans endorse AIstats
Eze James
Incredibly accurate stats, very useful for betting!
Odu Chairman
Smooth usage, very solid analysis that gives you an insight.
Claude Ferre
Finally, real football insights in one place!
Heriklis Santos
The best application, I recommend it to everyone.
Darwin Luque
Complete statistics application, everything you need is here. Very good, I'll use it a lot!
Pedro Cabral
Insightful, and perfect for all users. Highly recommend!
Eze James
Eze James
Great app! Helps me analyze games better.
Great app! Helps me analyze games better.
Heriklis Santos
Heriklis Santos
The best application, I recommend it to everyone.
The best application, I recommend it to everyone.
Odu Chairman
Odu Chairman
Incredibly accurate stats, very useful for betting!
Incredibly accurate stats, very useful for betting!
Darwin Luque
Darwin Luque
Easy to use, great for deep analysis! Love it!
Easy to use, great for deep analysis! Love it!
Claude Ferre
Finally, real football insights in one place!
Pedro Cabral
Insightful, and perfect for all users. Highly recommend!
How can we help?
How can we help?
How can we help?
We're here to help and answer any questions you might have. We will get back to you as soon as we can!
We're here to help and answer any questions you might have. We will get back to you as soon as we can!
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